Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Project Vegetable: A Resolution Update

To my dear sister who resolved to laugh hysterically at attempts to make Will eat more vegetables, guess what!!  Project Vegetable is working.  Will's vegetable-eating quotient is way high.  This time last year Will would eat french fries, raw carrots and edamames (which unfortunately are the ONLY vegetable that Mary Rollins won't eat...go figure).

So far this year we have made amazing progress.  Since the beginning of January he has eaten: carrots, potatoes in a more natural and un-fried state, spinach salad, Caesar salad, salad with feta & craisins (you know the one if you've ever eaten at my house), salad with blue cheese & granny smith apples (you know the one if you've ever eaten at my house), two bites of eggplant  AND sweet potatoes.

It's so exciting!  Here's how he'll eat sweet potatoes which has become one of my favorite ways to eat them:

Sweet Potato Fries

Pre-heat oven to 425.

Scrub about 2 - 3 lbs. of sweet potatoes.  Don't peel but cut into wedges (think over-sized steak fries).  Toss with about 1/2 cup of olive oil -- this is best done in a gallon-sized zip lock bag.  Then throw in about 3 tablespoons of brown sugar and about a tablespoon of ground cumin and shake it all up.  You could add other things I suppose like chili powder and/or red pepper but Marc has that weird allergy to those spices so I don't. 

Pour the sweet potatoes wedges onto a rimmed baking sheet --Half-way through pre-heating the oven I like to put the pan in the oven to get hot -- and spread them out, cut sides down if possible and bake for 30 minutes.  They don't get too crispy but they do get delicious and are really good for you!

MR likes to make a yummy honey and cinnamon mixture to dip them in and Will likes to dip them in blue cheese.  Me, I like them both ways -- sweet or salty...


Peddie said...

those sounds SO GOOD! Also, fantastic on your project veggie success!!! I only found out in the past couple years that I actually do like snacking on things like bell pepper slices, carrots, and radishes (seriously... I love radishes. Where did that even come from?) so I will also be trying out more veggies on this side of the world. Do you guys ever self pop your popcorn?

Gwen Williamson Mathews said...

I used to have an airpopper but I don't know what happened to it.

What technique do you use to pop the popcorn? Will has decided that he's not eating potato chips anymore. We'll see how long it lasts but in the meantime he's eating lots of popcorn.

Peddie said...

Oooh! it is tres simple!

take a pot with a lid (I usually use a little one, but you can use a big one if you're making it for the fam... think a ramen noodle pot vs. spaghetti for the family pot.

Pour in the kernels so that they are covering the bottom of the pot, but not overlaping (aka, a one kernel layer).

add oil (whatever you think is healthiest) so that it just covers the kernels. (Sometimes I put a swig of oil in and sort of swish it around so that the kernels are all covered, but not drowning).

Heat with the lid on. I'd probably put it on medium, but I really never pay attention. The pop corn will stop popping and I say to turn the heat off around the time the lid starts moving upwards due to too much popcorn. You get a feel for it after awhile (I have burnt batches before...)

SO EASY pretty much though!


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