Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Picture Challenge

Here's a little local flavor, picture challenge.  Can you guess what was in these dishes and where they were? 


Gwen Williamson Mathews said... noone guessed through a comment where this was. Although, I did have some people guess correctly live and in person!

Answer: Joe Bologna's bread sticks from Will's last meal before getting braces.

iselby said...

I was so confused and didn't want to be embarrassed by giving an incorrect answer. Sorry!

Will has braces?! We need to see a picture of Will and MR together- braces and no braces.

mere said...

What? Did MR get her braces off? Will you be in orthodontic debt forever?? Enquiring minds want to know....

Gwen Williamson Mathews said...

Ha ha! Will's braces went on exactly 3 weeks from the day MR got hers off. It's like a car payment...

Gosh isabug...have you not been properly indoctrinated into Joe B's breadstick? Must remedy that next time you get stuck in the bluegrass!

iselby said...

I don't even know what Joe Bologna is.. I'm such a loser.

Gwen Williamson Mathews said...

I feel really badly's only the very beat pizza place in the entire universe. I can't believe you haven't been there as it is a longstanding Williamson family favorite. It's currently located in a retired synagogue just down from Bella Rose.

They are famous (clearly not famous enough though)!for their bread sticks swimming in garlic butter!

Next time you come we'll skip Columbia's and go there!

mere said...

No don't skip Columbia's! Fried Banana peppers and Jo Bologna breadsticks are perfect "diet" food!

iselby said...

We skipped both of these on my last trip!!!

Though, Uncle Marc's steaks were really good.. so I won't complain!


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