Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Battle of the Sexes

The Chin-Up

Arabesque, Part One

The Challenger

Moments before Graff fell off.
Yesterday's varied competitions.  Mary Rollins definitely beat Graff on both Arabesque & Stand-Up Paddleboarding while Graff scores with Chin-upping and beat MR by 2 points in Scrabble**

**some clarification should be made here that Graff was given some Scrabble coaching and Mary Rollins is not sure that he should be given that win.  


Peddie said...

Haha - awesome. Please give any updates as to the coming games! So glad to see some lowcountry pics (much as I love bluegrass ;)

Peddie said...

PS: Can MR really do a pull up?

Gwen Williamson Mathews said...

Nope...but she's got a great Arabesque!

Peddie said...

Hah, I totally agree. I also can do no pull-ups... my arabesque might be better than GiRAFFe's too, but not as good as MR's ;)


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