Thursday, January 6, 2011

Oh the irony

Why, I wonder, are the only two available magazines in the waiting room at my dad's doctor's office Plane & Pilot and Golf Digest?

Is there something wrong with stocking a good Vogue or People? I was counting on catching up on some celebrity gossip!


iselby said...

Play words with friends with me :)

Peddie said...

Haha, yeah... I was just going to say "thank goodness you have an iphone to update that!"

I would go to because it has more to do with clothing than actual gossip, and I'm always out of the loop anyway ;)

Peddie said...

For instance...

Gwen Williamson Mathews said...

Ha!! Am at my annual exam this morning and the waiting room appears to only have baby magazines today!!

The gods of the waiting room are conspiring against me.

And I usually so look forward to waiting room magazines. Maybe I am uncovering a new flaw in American Healthcare!

(seriously, Plane & Pilot?!?!?)

Peddie said...

Haha... that is just ridikkulus!

mere said...

I had an appt. this week at a Women's Health clinic, a part of MUSC. The office was stocked with TONS of good magazines and I told my (female) Dr. about this post. We had a good laugh and she said all the docs there love to read that trash so they can be "hip". We agreed it was like eating junk food.

Gwen Williamson Mathews said...

Well that explains it. The good magazines were back in their offices which might also explain why they were running an hour+ behind!

Peddie said...

I picked up a Marie Claire at a coffee shop by the München Hauptbahnhof the other day while enjoying a beverage because it had cute little Emma Watson with her Rosemary's Baby hair.

It took me a really long time before I realized it was in English...


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