Thursday, February 28, 2013


Speaking of my dad, he was nagging me the other night about blog writing.  We were celebrating his birthday a night early and he noted that every time he goes to my blog it still had the Ash Wednesday post up and hadn't I said I was going to write every day as my Lenten discipline.  I need to clarify.  Yes, I am trying to write everyday but not necessarily on the blog.  But I will try to be better as a special super palindrome birthday gift to him.  I should say I'll blog more if he'll learn how to reply to emails.  Honestly, Dad, it's not rocket science.

By the way, giving up fashion during the Oscars has required more self-discipline than I would have imagined.  Plus, my sweet husband put some hiking pants on hold for me at J & H.  I went to try them on and had to keep my eyes averted from everything in the store.  I imagine only my dear sister, Lynda Becky Bloomwood, can appreciate just how difficult that was. 

Fortunately, the pants did not fit.


iselby said...

Good for Grandpa for getting on your case! So selfish of you to write only for yourself when your admiring masses want to read your words :) I don't know if I'm kidding or not... because I am happy by more posts!!!!

I've also been reading Atlantic-Pacific for you.

mere said...


NCDEX TIPS said...

I really like your writing style, excellent info, thank you for putting up . In every affair consider what precedes and what follows, and then undertake it.

Florescaroly said...
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Unknown said...

I take it you didn't like the jogging pants?


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