Thursday, April 19, 2012

Candy sandwiches

Lexington Ballet’s Cinderella began this morning with a first school show at 10 a.m. Mary Rollins had to be at the Opera House by 8:15 am so my normal morning routine was a bit off. I didn’t go to the gym so that I would be ready for the earlier than normal trip downtown but my schedule wouldn’t be so off that I couldn’t be home in time to resume my regular morning Will activities.

Will typically rises at some time between 8 and 8:15. His morning includes dressing and some laying about on the couch snuggling with Howie and then having a breakfast that I fix while I also make his lunch. MR fixed her own by the time she was Will’s age but I don’t mind fixing Will’s lunch as I have a bit more control of what he eats. In truth, I guess I don’t really think that Will’s capable of successfully making a healthy lunch for himself. And, another part of me figures he has the rest of his life to make his own lunches so I’m happy to pack his school-day meal.

As I was driving home from the Opera House ready to switch into Will gear, I was talking in depth to a client about Jessamine County property values. Will was calling in but I couldn’t get to his call. I didn’t worry as I was only a few minutes from home. Pulling into the driveway, there was Will putting down the garage door, climbing onto his bike and heading off to school, on his own. This, the boy I had left asleep in the bed twenty-five minutes before.

“Will, what about your lunch?” I called.

“I made it myself. See you!” and like that, he was off.

Good heavens, what did that boy make for lunch? I thought first that we had Peeps left from Easter and perhaps he made his own version of chicken salad out of them.

But, there on the counter was an open pack of cheddar cheese slices and an open bag of bread. There was a missing banana, and the drawer with baggies was open and my sack of used grocery bags was laying on the floor. There was also an open box of frosted mini-wheats on the counter so clearly he had even made his own breakfast! I’m so proud and only a little sad that Will doesn’t need me to get himself off to school.

He only needs me to clean up afterwards.


iselby said...

Oh Auntie... the way you make me crack up at work gives away the fact that I am browsing the interwebs... and I thank you for that!

Hehehehe! This made my day. So proud of the little/big Willster too!

iselby said...

I just read it again and the last paragraph made me laugh out loud all over again. Lucky David that he gets to be in the same city as you all!

Gwen Williamson Mathews said...

I told Mary Rollins that Will made his own lunch. She said, "I didn't know he could do that."


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