Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Could I run faster and other dirty, ugly secrets...

This morning I was exhausted.  I woke up after NOT a good night's sleep at 5:15 a.m. with a boy standing over my head with his iPhone screen flashed before my eyes. 

"Mom...hey...are you awake?  Hey...Dad's downstairs taking a shower he's making too much noise, can we have your bed?" 

"Ummmm..." I mumbled, "Sure."  And, I stumbled off downstairs to lay in the bed Will and his friend John who was sleeping over had just vacated.  Actually, Marc was making too much noise and soon I was up and fumbling at the coffee pot.  There's a lot of "umbling" in this story isn't there?

I was so tired (this is not typical for me and normally, I am up by 5:30 but in a much more chipper frame of mind) that I decided instead of my scheduled morning run, I'd just powerwalk. I started off in the growing light of morning and spotted up ahead of me some people I thought I knew and don't particularly care for.  I decided maybe I'd better run afterall, pass them and then walk again further down the road.  And the truth is that yes, in my little head, I was showing off that I run.  I diidn't want these people to think I was just a "walker."*

I quickly passed the women whom I didn't want classifying me as a walker (and who it turned out weren't who I thought they were) but just as I started to slow, coming at me was my dear friend Beth.  Beth is like, well, a Jack Russell Terrier.  I love Jack Russell Terriers.  I have two of them (well, one and a half).  I love Beth.  Beth is one of the most energetic and fit people, I know.  She's always upbeat, she's always got something up her sleeve and she's got muscles I covet.  (She also has a fabulous house and yard).  When I started running four years ago, Beth was one of those people that I held in my mind as my inspiration.

I've been feeling pretty good about my running lately.  I average about 20 miles a week ranging from 4.5 miles to as many as 7.  When I finish my long runs, I know I have more miles in me, I'm just out of time.   This morning I learned, I should not feel so good.

Beth sees me and says "Gwen!  let me run with you, I'm just finishing up.  I wanted to talk to you anyway."  I knew then I was in trouble.  Beth turns around and joins me on my run.  Suddenly, my pace picks up to her pace (speedy) and she's asking me deep, philosophical questions about things like whether sexual orientation has bearing on one's ability to minister, if you have to be a liberal to believe in social justice.  Questions I would LOVE to talk about if you weren't making me run a %$#*&() 7.5 minute mile and my heart and lungs weren't about to explode! 
In actuality, it was probably an 8-minute mile but nonetheless what an enlightening conversation we had that held great revelation for me.  For example, I now know with absolute certainty that I am a slow runner.  I have suspected that for some time but it's now verfied.  Two, I cannot run fast and talk sensibly at the same time.   Possibly, I can't even run slowly and talk at the same time.  Three, running with a friend is really fun and I should probably be doing that if I want to run faster.  Four, the next time I'm discussing philosphical and spiritual matters, I want it to be with a glass of wine.

On that note, I want to thank Beth for the lovely morning run that I thought wasn't going to happen.  Let's do it again soon!  And, maybe I'll have some better points to make in our continuing dialogue when my brain is being properly oxygenated.

*Please note that I think walking is a wonderful exercise and a much more sensible exercise than running.  Only crazy people run.    My own personal self-competitiveness holds no judgement for walkers.  Walk on, I say!!


iselby said...

Hahahahahahah. (more later)

iselby said...

I love this post. Mostly because I have never seen you not chipper (amazing!) and hey, "celebrities are just like us!".

Oh, what a good story for a Tuesday morning - though I am sorry you didn't get a good night's rest. That is critical.

I miss the Mathewsies!

mere said...

I AM a walker! haha One is more likely to see dolphins whilst walking anyhow and it is easier to throw a tennis ball.

Gwen Williamson Mathews said...

Mere, I walked this morning but I did not see a single dolphin!

iselby said...

I walked this morning and I did not throw a single tennis ball!

mere said...

Mwahahahahaha (btw my captcha is "tosess"as in one "tosess" a tennis ball)

Peddie said...

I walked from the train station but didn't see much more than some happy drunk homeless dudes. No dolphins, no tennis anything.

I did type fast with the correct fingers on my laptop while in my train this morning, because a cute asian guy who is often riding the same time as I was watching. So, that was show-offy. Other than that, probably not too much more to relate to this HILARIOUS post. I would love to hear more on those philosophical questions too!

Oh, I guess running would be something similar, which I did with Bene the other day for an hour. The following day reminded me that I need to run regularly...

Peddie said...

PS: Why was marc showering downstairs and the boys then had to have your bed?


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