Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Best ways to spend snow days...

1.  Writing/blogging
2.  Eating waffles made by MR in her new Christmas gift waffle iron.  Let me tell you, all waffle irons are not made the same. New waffle iron made the best waffle I have ever had in my life.  Truly.
3.  Watching episodes of Lost.  Obsessed.  Which also leads me to say, thank you masters of technology media and entreprenuership for the invention of Netflix.  Marc Mathews even said, "Netflix is worth every penny."  He really did, I swear.  This from the man who uses his iPhone *only* as a phone and email receptacle (although he recently discovered the weather app). 
4.  Making rolled, stuffed flank steak from the Williams-Sonoma catalog.  Not nearly as good as it sounds and a lot of work.  However, it did force me to learn how to butterfly a flank steak (I watched a video on You Tube -- I'm such a geek)   AND cooked leeks.  I am 44 years old and I have never used leeks in a recipe.  FYI, leeks are super-yummy.
5.  Sleeping in a bit.
6.  Selling a house (yeah!).
7.  Exercising in the basement (here's my new winter biking regime with treadmill running.  I ride my old bike on the trainer for 45 minutes while watching an episode of  Heroes -netflix of course,  I ride in different gear for each character as they come on.  I think it might be like a spinning class except I've never been to spinning class).  Yesterday I had time to watch Heroes, I mean bike, AND then run on the treadmill after I finished my bike ride when I found out it was a snow day.  Then I took a bubble bath.  It was like an indoor triathalon. 
8.  Dream of Spring


iselby said...

I want a basement with a bike and a trainer.. and a big bathtub!

Also, I SO TOLD YOU Netflix was worth it. Didn't I? Ah HA HA HA (evil laugh). Did you know that the old Avengers episodes are also on Netflix? They are funny to watch.

I wish snow days meant stay-at-home instead of put-on-your-boots-and-walk-through-slush-to-get-to-work-and-be-the-only-person-there-since-everybody-else-lives-in-New Jersey. I only get snow days when I'm in Kentucky :)

Gwen Williamson Mathews said...

You are too young to have a basement and a treadmill. it's mutually exclusive with living a hipster lifestyle in Brooklyn with your little cat and big husband.

One day, you too, shall have a big tub (and some children) and a house in the suburbs. Preferably the suburbs of Lexington, hint hint. Where your sister also lives.

Probably you'll have a dog too.

And, snow days where you can stay home.

And, watch Netflix on a bigger TV.

mere said...

You rock auntie G!!

Peddie said...

in response to...
gwen comment: I don't want to look at the future through rose-colored glasses, I want to look at it through AUNTIE G glasses!
4: I also watched a lot of videos on how to cook my goose, I will not deny. I did feel better after talking to friends who had actually prepared geese with their moms for Christmas, etc, but those videos/millions of free recipes helped a LOT! I even made a "roux" (also incroyable!) Also, I've made leek soup since coming to Germany (some diet thing from that skinny french book) and then became less afraid of them and like cooking with them now! Indeed, they are boy healthy and tasty!
7 Indoor triathalon... Ferris Bueller, you're my heeero. (btw, anybody seen Easy A and think Emma Stone is as funny as I do?)


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