Monday, October 25, 2010

Table manners..

True story from the Mathews' house: last night our wonderful new priest and her son had dinner with us.  During dinner, Will picks up his salad fork and starts combing his hair with it. 

I guess it's something to do with your salad fork when you hate salad.  If only he were 2 and not 12. 

(We all thought tt was pretty funny, but don't tell him I said that.) 

These are pretty ballet girls after going to see Lexington Ballet's
"The Haunted" on Saturday night.  These girls always have charming
manners and never confuse their salad forks with their hair brushes.


Peddie said...

That makes me undeniably think of 'The Little Mermaid' or "Mermaid."

Gwen Williamson Mathews said...

It did me as well, although, there was no seagull suggesting it...

iselby said...

Ha! I was going to say that. You have a little Will Ariel!

my captcha is buumbel!


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