Tuesday, September 21, 2010


There's only about a hundred things I wanted to post about this morning, what with the World Equestrian games opening FRIDAY and my intention was to have a horse theme all week!!! But for today's excitement, could anything top Glee?!?  Seriously, we've been addicted from the start.  Never missed an episode.  We are, in fact, "Gleeks".  My very favorite part of Glee doesn't have anything to do with the show though.  My favorite part is that our whole darn family, even the Will-meister, joins in on the fun.  He'd prefer less singing in contrast to Marc who wants more singing.  Mary Rollins and I want more Kristen Chenoweth and Idina Menzel (and perhaps a time machine so we could go back to see the original Wicked on Broadway with them in it).   Hooray, I can hardly wait until 8 p.m.
And tune back in tomorrow for what today's post was really going to be about...how I met Tim Gunn yesterday.  Okay, really Isabug met Tim Gunn but she nicely photoshopped my head onto her body :-)


iselby said...

Haha! Can you believe that I actually forgot today was GLEE day?! I had to be reminded. Wow... Thank you for introducing us to it!

I also wish to somebody go back in time and see Kristin and Idina in Wicked!

Gwen Williamson Mathews said...

MR and I are getting in shape right now by listening to our Season 1 Glee soundtrack while she does her homework and I make Baked Potato Soup!

I can't decide what my favorite Glee song is...top contendor at the moment? Mr. Schuster singing "Golddigger" and I don't even like rap or hip-hop or whatever that stuff is!!!

What's your fav?

mere said...

I watched it and loved it. I think Rachel has lost weight and I love the new football coach. She is perfect!

iselby said...

My favorite song.. this is a tricky one. The song that gets stuck in my head most is Hate on Me or No Air. I'm not sure why... I annoyed Amanda by singing No Air one weekend-whoops:) She said "That's the ONE song you get stuck in your head?!"

I really love when they sing Maybe this Time and from the newer season I like the Shue-Cheno duet for Fire!

Gwen Williamson Mathews said...

I thought Rachel looked thin too. And, older. Just how old do you think they are supposed to be, juniors?

Oh...and I loved Quinn back in her Cheerios uniform. I really like her and I like her voice (head singer though not belter...oh go listen to Broadway Nights, then you'll know what I'm talking about).

Peddie said...

Yeah, Quinn is totally a head voice... but sweet in that way. I think I can pick up on her because of it sometimes, when they want her voice to lead background chorus.

I am also holding off till the weekend so that I finish my stuff (I say as I make a HUGE BREAK to post all over these blogs) and it is difficult, let me tell you.

I actually love "Golddigger" as well... (ahem, Isabug? Email?) and "No Air" which I hardly even heard on the radio because... I never listen to radio. I was very excited to see 'no air' on my friend's singstar (which I KILLED! booyah!) and thereby heard it for real for the first time.

Lately, I love the April/Schu (Shu?) "house is not a home/one less bell to answer" song though... and in general, I love all the musical songs.

So hold out on any big spoilers, guys ;)

Peddie said...

PS: There's been a lot of hype going on about Lea Michele (Rachel) losing weight lately, which I think is also too bad (the weight losing) since she was a really pretty and healthy size. True example of the why-does-hollywood-do-that? (Like... beautiful people getting botox... while young... seriously. You're already on the cover of the magazine!)



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