Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Moving damage

Just learned a great tip from a friend who recently moved back to Lexington from Kansas City. The movers had done an unbelievable amount of damage to her gorgeous furniture by not properly packing her furniture with pads. Fortunately, the movers on this end of her trip called her attention to the matter as they unloaded and she has digital pictures of the inadequate job that was done packing her valuables. She has great ammunition with those pictures now in her damage claim.

1 comment:

Wayne Jordan said...

Gwen: Damage claims against movers are over 10,000/year at present. Most consumers don't understand the process or their rights. You would do your new listing clients a service by giving them a copy of my (free) 50 page book entitled "How To Protect Yourself From Moving Scams And Frauds". Have a look for yourself by going to the following link:
If you think the information is valuable, download a copy and put it on your website. It may increase your site traffic.


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